Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ichiro Abe Judo Seminar

The news comes a little late, as there are only 5 registrations left open, but Judo 10th dan Ichiro Abe will be holding a seminar in Beijing next month.

Here is the program:

1- The base of Judo
a. Ukemi, clarification of the importance of Ukemi and improvement of Ukemi, Mae, Yoko, and Zempokaiten with obstacles.
b. Studying the techniques: Tsukuri and Kake
c. Training method of techniques
i. Tandoku-Renshyu with and without moving
ii. Two forms of Uchikomi, with and without moving
iii. Nagekomi ( throw) with movement
iv. Yakusoku-Geiko ( prearranged practice)
v. Kakari-Geiko ( one side attack)
vi. Randori – three ways to practice
1. With lower level
2. With same level
3. With higher level
2- Explanation of the techniques
a. Deashi-Harai
b. Osoto-Gari
c. O-Uchigari
d. Seoi-Nage
e. Harai-Goshi
3- Katame Waza ( techniques of control)
a. bases of Katame Waza
i. Shisei and how to move
ii. Tandoku-Renshu
iii. how to enter Ne-Waza
iv. how to defend
b. explanation of the techniques of Osae Waza
i. Kesa-Gatame group
ii. Shiho-Gatame group
4- Randori ( how to make Randori: three ways to practice randori)
a. Randori Nage-Waza
b. Randori Ne-Waza

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this looks like a cool seminar. i wish i could go!!!

will you post a post-seminar report? your notes?
