I know I haven't updated this blog very faithfully lately, but better late than never right ? Anyway we have a lot of activity here around Art of War, which is getting bigger with every event.
Art of War 5 took place last week. The up and coming fighters of the young Chinese MMA scene (such as Bao Ligao, Ao Hailin, Dai Shuanghai, Zhang Tiequan, and Zhao Zilong) all won their fights pretty easily. You can see videos of the fights on QQ.com, which is the biggest instant messaging software in China, and has a big portal site too (kind of like MSN). Art of War and QQ.com have signed a partnership so that he fights can reach QQ's huge audience:
The agreement allows Tencent subsidiary, QQ.com, China's largest instant messenging software with over 570 million registered users, to conduct live broadcasts of Art of War™ events via IPTV
And what's more, the next Art of War event is already announced for May 26, 2007.
In unrelated news, there will also be an amateur MMA event organised by Wohsai in May, in which students from the Black Tiger Academy (my current academy) will be fighting. There will also be Shuai Jiao and Jujitsu demos. More info on that soon.