Introducing Shou Bo
Shou Bo is an offshoot of Shuai Jiao (chinese wrestling) more or less created -or re-created to be more precise- by Yuan Zumou (shuai jiao teacher in France). It includes strikes and stand-up grappling with the Shuai Jiao gi. While this demonstration from 1991 is pretty crappy, it makes you wonder why it took so long for people to create MMA, when the idea of mixing grappling and striking has been around for so long.
More recent is this demonstration from 2004. I wonder why there is only demonstration footage and no competition movies. As far as I know, that's because Shou Bo is only practiced in France by Yuan Zumou and his students, so there's not that much people who can take part in competitions.
In China, Sanda has been based on a similar idea, (taking some elements from shuai jiao and adding strikes), but the lack of gi and other rules make the kick boxing part more important than in Shou Bo.
More videos here and here.
PS: it seems blogger is blocked again in China, so I can't view the blog, but for some weird reason I can still post.